Saturday, December 23, 2006

Will and Grace is congealed human suffering.

I love Dinosaur comics.

I've been coughing like a crazy person lately. Ever since I ran home there's been something wrong with my throat. Hannah's trying in vain to fix a desk drawer and I can't bring myself to tell her it's futile. I guess it's Christmas Eve tomorrow. I don't know if it's just because I'm getting older or because they oversensationalised it in October, but that old fire-warm Cristmas feeling is gone. It's just another cold, dry day in December. The lights have been up for far too long. I've accepted Christmas as a way of life. It's no longer special. The everyday infusion of eggnog and reindeer has become ordinary; I've taken it for granted. I bought easy presents for everyone, and didn't really have any fun looking for them. Christmas movies are stupid. This sounds like a lament, but it really isn't. I guess I've just grown out of that feeling, and I'll have to find a new one to replace it.

Hannah has fixed the drawer.

Oh, and before I forget, here's a Christmas present for you:

I check it every now and then to see what those little rascals are up to.

Have a beautiful day, and drink lots of hot cider.



Hermit said...

Yay! Someone else who is blogging! *grin*
Hooray for le nomad. I am on me way to update but first I thought I would venture out and see if anyone else had. Yay! Yes, poop to the stupid no christmas excitement but I am still holding onto the belief that it is due to the lack of snow. A belief that is close followed by my thoughts that there is still time to have a white christmas, come on Calgary, you can do it!

Eve said...

That website is super swell. Hope you've heard of this artist too:

Redcard Sanchez said...

I actually hadn't; thanks for giving me a new favourite, ms. Eve.