Wednesday, November 22, 2006

When I was a kid, I didn't like gravel playgrounds.

Gravel was too hard to swallow.

So I'm pretty sore at myself for not writing yesterday. And it's not like I forgot or had things to do, either; I just kept putting it off until I was too tired to lift my head. It would be nice to have a laptop. Then I could post while drifting off to sleep, bathed in the warm glow of a cathode ray tube or whatever makes computers light up these days. But to get back to the point at hand, I'ma fill you in on what happened yesterday (ha, happened. That's rich).

Early in the morning (meaning about 9am) I visited my good friend, the dentist. I used to love going to the dentist because they had a little room where you could play Sonic the Hedgehog while you waited. Later on they upgraded to Nintendo 64, then Gamecube and Xbox (the little room had no surveillance so games and controllers went "missing" pretty quick). Now, they've got an Xbox 360 and the magic is gone. I miss that old Sega Genesis and fighting over who got to be Tails. I miss picking out prizes after getting my mouth scoured for cavities. My childhood is gone and ain't nothin gon' bring 'er back. But anyway. Once I got home I turned on the television, as per usual, and lo and behold, the show was about dentists! I watched the Simpsons immediately after; again, dentists. Something cosmic is at work here, folks. Could it be coincidence that both Seinfeld and the Simpsons, two entirely different shows on entirely different channels, referred to dentists on the day I visited the dentist? The answer is no, of course not. That would be silly. I have no option but to conclude, then, that the mundane, ordinary happenings in my mundane, ordinary life have some effect on what the world watches. I don't yet know what the implications of this are, but I have a hunch that they are no good.

Where was I? Oh yes, crushed childhood memories. My dad bougt a bag of Mojos, just for a thrill. I hadn't had mojos since I was at least 7 years old, and to tell you the truth, I was ecstatic. But as soon as I lay my eyes on them, I knew something was amiss. They were bigger than usual, thicker. The wrapping paper didn't stick to their candy folds, and they were...supple. Chewable. I took out my old favourite--cola--and stuck it in my mouth. Something was definitely amiss. It tasted like all other failed "cola"-flavoured candies. A sour twinge to imitate carbonation and an aftertaste of lead and nightmares. These were not the stale mojo candies of my childhood. These were cheap mass-produced imposters. My heart sank, and I hunched off to brush my teeth.

(not really)


Eve said...

I feel so lost......what are mojos?

Ratty said...

mojos are little chewy candies. Similar to starbursts, only poorer quality and much more memory-ful. They're a fine british export and come in mint, strawberry, banana, cola and orange flavours, and they used to come in wee rectangles (about 2cm by 1 cm and 5mm thick). They sold them at 'The Store' in Trochu, where we lived when we were 6, and I have great memories of the little jaw-strainers.

Hermit said...

Aww, poor ruinage of childhood. But, wonder of wonders, I too went to visit my good friend albeit today (I am ignoring the fact that I dont know what day you posted this, I pretend twasnt today) and yes, not getting prizes after is a downside although me hygenist was rather nice and the lady at the desk was waxing poetically (haha, as I attempt to write-sound smart like nomad, and fail *grin*) about how I still dont have any cavities. Haha, I figure my teeth must be plastic or something, I take rather crud care of them and I am pretty sure that I should have cavities by now, unless mayhap my generally hugely chemical-laden free diet has something to do with that?....
Anyhow, tomorrow, shall see you and others! But now, must return to the monotony of life, er school, so that I can have FUN the next two days!

Joelle Haney said...

Aw...two things make me sad

1. I didn't even know mojos still existed

2. They aren't the same as they were, so it wouldn't matter if I had known that they still existed.

Mojos have actually been a sub-obsession of mine for a while, because I always found them to be SO much better than starburst, and they were just a taste of my it is really quite depressing that they are no longer what they once were.

Kesineeee said...

Aw mannn I remember those...aww. Stupid impersonality of today's mass produce crapola. They ruined our Mojo! hahaha
