Saturday, June 7, 2008

Tell them I'm not home

For the past few months I've been having a bit of a quiet struggle with the Jehova's Witnesses. A while back, a couple of kind old Caribbean ladies showed up at our door and gave me a magazine, and I was too much of a sissy to say no. A few months later, they came back. I tried to be a little more assertive by saying that we've been going to the same church for a while, we're happy there, etc, but I still accepted their magazine. For some reason, it seemed like common courtesy. Since then, I've been trying to avoid them--closing the shutters, bolting downstairs when the doorbell rings--but yesterday they caught me again. And now I'm kicking myself because when one of them asked if I liked the magazines, I said "well...I've read through a couple of them and...yeah, they say some interesting things."
(stupid, stupid, stupid)
So I've come up with a passive game-plan that I'm actually considering even though it's the dumbest thing in the world: next time they come to our door, ask them where they worship (do they even go to church? I don't know). That Saturday or Sunday, go to one of their services. Treat it like an experiment. Then, when somebody invariably comed up to me and asks me what I thought, I'll say "well, I can certainly see the good it does for some people, but I just don't think it's right for me. Thanks very much".

Or, you know, get a job. Or move out.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

2:57 am

Do you ever find yourself in a Facebook spiral of looking at strangers pages, going through their photos, trying to figure out their inside jokes, etc? I just spent an hour looking through the pages of Calgary drag queens.

Does this make me as creepy as I think it does?

I want to be a drag queen.