Wednesday, January 23, 2008

This is what art school is all about

I am stoked for tomorrow. Do you know why? Because tomorrow, there will be a TEA PARTY at ACAD. But this will be no ordinary tea party. Oh no. This will be a DRESS-UP tea party. With costumes. And it will be held on the main floor, where anyone can see it and join in. And there will be blankets. And cookies. And little plastic tea sets.
So you see why I am excited.


Hermit said...

MARVELOUS!!! I am tres pleased with that idea. What are you dressing up as?
P.S. We should speak soon here as I have geefts for you and your sister that aught to change hands soon.

Redcard Sanchez said...

I dressed up as an explosion of bright clothing. And I put a phone receiver around my neck.
And yes! Geefts!

Ratty said...


P.S: This tea party sounds delightful. But we have already discussed this :)

Kesineeee said...

OOoooOooOO was it wonderful?

Redcard Sanchez said...

It WAS. Wonderful!