Saturday, June 7, 2008

Tell them I'm not home

For the past few months I've been having a bit of a quiet struggle with the Jehova's Witnesses. A while back, a couple of kind old Caribbean ladies showed up at our door and gave me a magazine, and I was too much of a sissy to say no. A few months later, they came back. I tried to be a little more assertive by saying that we've been going to the same church for a while, we're happy there, etc, but I still accepted their magazine. For some reason, it seemed like common courtesy. Since then, I've been trying to avoid them--closing the shutters, bolting downstairs when the doorbell rings--but yesterday they caught me again. And now I'm kicking myself because when one of them asked if I liked the magazines, I said "well...I've read through a couple of them and...yeah, they say some interesting things."
(stupid, stupid, stupid)
So I've come up with a passive game-plan that I'm actually considering even though it's the dumbest thing in the world: next time they come to our door, ask them where they worship (do they even go to church? I don't know). That Saturday or Sunday, go to one of their services. Treat it like an experiment. Then, when somebody invariably comed up to me and asks me what I thought, I'll say "well, I can certainly see the good it does for some people, but I just don't think it's right for me. Thanks very much".

Or, you know, get a job. Or move out.


Hermit said...

Arg, so frustrating! For the longest time they came to our house every few Saturdays, they quickly learned that father took their flyers and propaganda so they would always ask for him.

As for taking their flyers I think I know what you mean. Last weekend I had this dance thing and there was cake and all sorts of goodies. Anyways I came late courtesy of the chicken factory (aka work) and so Mrs. Sumen (the owner/head teacher) was all go get food etc. so I meandered off and procured water. Later she corraled me over to the cake and cut me a piece etc. so I took it and ate a smidge rather than explaining that I don't eat stuff that contains animal products. I felt like such a useless fool. Why have beliefs if you are going to just be a pushover every time some inconvenient circumstance comes up.
Anyways, enough of my rambling. Me says you aught to go to one of their things if you feel like it (besides, then I can make you tell me about it, I am curious!!)

Wulf said...

I've only met the Jehovah's witnesses once. I told them that I was currently quite happy living in sin, and they laughed and left. I hope your technique worked, and they are no longer pestering you. And if you did go to their church, blog about it?