Friday, September 5, 2008

I am here to worry you and make you feel guilty

I'm trying to remember who it was that said that, if bees were to go extinct, people would follow suit within five years.
I also wonder, if we knew for sure that cellphones were decimating global bee populations, would anyone stop using their cellphone altogether?

In other news, I'm feeling crazy distant from everyone already. How ARE you? How is Kathleen getting on with her new housemates? How is Ali settling in to condo life with the bro? How are classes, professors, etc? Do let me know, if any of you have free time.


Wulf said...

I would damn sure stop. I'd carry around pockets of change for pay phones, and keep people's phone numbers in a little book. Like old times.

Whenever I see a bee happily pollinating and guzzling nectar, I give it a big cheer in my mind.

Ratty said...

I heard somewhere that they found it was actually an evil parasite/disease thing that was killing all the bees, and that the cellphone-signals-keeping-them-from-finding-their-homes idea had been an interim theory. I don't know if this is true or not, but it gives me comfort to think it is. I mean, it's still horrific that bees are dying in such massive numbers, but at least if it's a disease, it's something natural (ish?). Anyway. I am feeling like I'm doing a lot of adjusting- in that transition-time that is rarely a treat for me- however, I am enjoying the presence of my friendly housemates, and I have classes that make me happy, so I'm sure that once I'm done settling in, I'll be doing famously.

Hermit said...

That makes me scared too, although I haven't been seeing dead bees all over and I haven't heard much about it lately so I think I kind of assumed it was overish. But I doubt that people would change, heh, I have great faith in society, but really, I don't think it would happen. Its all those danged rich people who think they are above anything...
buut, I digress.
Things are going well, tis SO excellent living with jo and kes, a million times better than good ol' american roomies! We have been eating together, being crazy together etc. fun times. Shall blog with pictures here soon. Unfortunately we realised that as soon as I find job and they start rehearsals we are actually never going to see eachother which will stink but yes, so far, grand.